Archive | December 2012

‘Tis The Season

Entertaining during the holidays can add stress to anyone’s life, but ultimately it is so rewarding to welcome family and friends into one’s home, repeating traditions and creating new memories. 

In my family, we have a tradition where we open our gifts on Christmas Eve.  It must have started when I was a little girl, because that is when Santa always came to our home.  My cousins and I had to each make up an act of entertainment and that is where the tradition of the family Talent Show started.  For years we would do this.  There was tap dancing, singing, even comedy acts. One memory for me was when I danced to a Shirley Temple song “On the Good Ship Lollipop”; or the time when all my children’s generation did a rap song for Grandpa.  Flash forward, and through the years, the Talent Show dwindled, but still every other year, we take a crack at our showmanship.  There was a recent year my parents did the tango.  That was a treat.  Another year, my dad sang to my mom the song “I Have But One Heart” – now that brought tears to everyone’s eyes.  But my all-time favorite was when my future daughter-in-law came to her first Christmas Eve with us and was told she had to participate.  She had nothing planned, so she simply performed a gymnastic split. My goodness, that silenced the crowd. And then simultaneously we all responded with “AHHHHHH”.  You see, none of us has great flexibility or could easily do the splits…picture the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz.  We were all in awe. She got quite the applause.  This is of course one of our silly fun traditions, and even though we all will be sticking to our day jobs, it brings a smile to my face to think “Hmmm, what should I do this year?”

On a design note:  I have included photos of my Christmas tree, table setting with vintage dishes and glassware, and a new-look wreath.  In my lower level, I decorate a traditional  tree in red and green, and hang all the fun ornaments collected by and for our children through the years. On the main floor, my larger tree features additional meaningful ornaments and is done in colors that match the colors of the living room – black, white, silver and green.  Handling all of the ornaments is like a trip down holiday memory lane, each one triggering a particular fond memory. So if you have Christmas traditions, then certainly continue them; and if not, then by all means, start a new special tradition for your family. You just may find yourself crooning a romantic song or dancing a soft shoe.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and the all the best of the holiday season.  Now go do a little tap dance!

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Blog 17 pic 2

A modern wreath on a vintage mirror.

A modern wreath on a vintage mirror.